Thursday, February 4, 2016

Sketching Exercise........

8.5" x 11"
Strathmore fine-tooth paper

This sketch is from photos I took last winter while camping at Camp Huaco on River Road by the Guadalupe River in Texas. It was common to see several turtles out sunning themselves on the rocks or a log in the river. The trees impressed me with their unusual curled roots; half in water, half on land. Such a peaceful place! I am considering doing a painting from the actual photos I took.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like this! I think it has been quite a while since I took a gander at your page (s) but it is quite interesting. I see some blogs have lapsed but this one and the DPP is up to date.

    I guess I need to get busy and start watching more closely...


Thanks for your kind comments!